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Student Voices

  /  Student Voices

What I liked most about the course is the variety of interesting topics covered in each session. The group is quite diverse, so there is also the opportunity to get to know different perspectives and backgrounds.

Melissa, Peru • B2

I participated in a conversation al course for 3 months with limited knowledge of German. The course helped me to speak and engage in enjoyable conversations with interesting people.

Efe, Turkey • A2

Before attending the course, I could hardly express my opinion, or I spoke like a waterfall without paying attention to my grammar. After the course, I can now both express my opinion and write better.

Thulani, Zambia • C1

The meetings are easygoing and friendly; during these gatherings, we have the opportunity to speak and learn German without feeling like we're in school. It's as if we're chatting with friends, without any awkwardness.

Mahdi, Jordan • B1

My husband and I participated in the conversational course for a month. We liked the course, and it was very important for us. We discussed interesting topics. There is a warm atmosphere with all the participants. Thank you!

Migena, Albania • A1-A2

The course has given me the confidence to use the German language in the outside world without fear. I will continue with these courses until I speak German really well, and I encourage other people to take advantage of the opportunity to participate in this course.

Andi, Indonesia • C1-C2